Craft Conspiring

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Challenge Accepted

...Some days with reluctance.

School has overwhelmed my time and brain-space of late, leaving the spare minutes for pillow creating, or creating in general, scarce.  And, to be honest, I've felt underwhelmed.   Sometimes my focus is too narrow and I miss the adventure that turns everyday tasks into rejuvenating experiences.  Often I am too hard on myself about the 'should do's' and 'why haven't you's' and don't rely on the fact that, with confidence, I am working towards a bigger picture.  Sometimes I forget to listen to that internal compass of mine that guides my feet to, well, the best pasture.  Often I pass off important ideas, actions, or thoughts as nonsense, when really, those are the best things for which to listen.  And most of the time, I forget about Grace.

And then there are moments when I forget to just trust and let things be.  I forget to be honest with myself and that affects my interactions with others.  Sometimes I just want to stay in my cocoon of safety and avoid engagement of any kind.

And yet other mornings, I find the determination to walk in alignment and harmony with my heart.  I remind myself of how young I am inside and out, and that the day is mine for the taking.

Hopefully this is a good reminder for you, as well.

This week is nearly over, have you made the most of it? (I, hmmm, I have not; I'm working on it though.)


*Some of the images courtesy of Google image.

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