Craft Conspiring

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Envelope Pillows! New Listings!

I am pretty darn excited to offer another option for the pillow lovers out there: envelope pillow cases!  They're all the rage of the embroidered pillows with the option to stuff the suckers however you'd like!  Down-alternative, cotton, cotton balls, goose down, wishes, hopes, dreams -- the pillows are your oysters for proverbial (and literal) stuffing.

I used a simple envelope pillow case pattern that overlaps in the back for the insertion of the inserts of your choosing.  These new pillows fit 16x16 and 12x16 inserts, which make the pillows a little bit softer and squishier than the pre-stuffed versions.  I completely understand if you have not developed a preference between pillow inserts and pre-stuffed pillows, but I assure you, both are nice and offer differing appeals.  The cases, for example, can be changed based on the season, room, your mood, your in-laws' moods, etc.  They can be washed and ironed.  They're also $15 less expensive.  Win.  

These new listings also feature the blasted backdrop that fell off the roof of my car and left the husband saying things like, "Did you even have a vision for this?"  YES, I ALWAYS HAVE A VISION.  (Crickets.)  I was a sight wearing my down parka, gloves, a beanie, and a mask while spray-painting and sanding these huge pieces of wood in our garage.

I hope you enjoy!  Listings found HEREHERE, and HERE.

And lastly, I'll be working on a custom pillow for the next couple of weeks post-Christmas, but am excited for the reveal after the gift is given.  Please send feedback and custom orders my way in the meantime!  

With love, merriment and joy to you and yours,

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