I often hit snooze, hit snooze again, then roll over to open my email. It's seven minutes of complete morning brain time prior to caffeine. I don't even have to think about sitting upright. Today I awoke and found this in my email. It's filled with cheese and cliche statements, is numbered for our convenience, but it reads with a couple curse words and box breakers. And, I like the guy and appreciate a dose of food-for-thought with a side of vitamins.
Contemplating the article under blankets and morning haze, I remembered what 8-year-old Joanna wanted to do with her life...become an actress on Broadway. I felt a twinge of sadness thinking about the disappointment that girl would feel. Then there were a couple other key points that helped bring the sadness into perspective: Don't care what other people think, Do something that makes a difference.
Here's another list: 1) This schooling is going to take 3 years to finish. 2) I have a lot of credentials left to earn. 3) Those who can't do, teach. 4) If I can't make this point in six minutes, I will lose complete interest.
I'm OK with number one; number two I get excited about; screw you, number three; and four, I'm almost done.
I'm creating and living and now am drinking a green smoothie with a dose of caffeine chaser. Here are a few thoughts from the schooling.
Perspective - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires